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I am so excited to start working with and using HelloBody products. I have seen a lot of people talking about them lately and couldnt wait to try them so I just placed my first order today. What I love about this company is they are all about the "Natural is Glamorous" Their goal is to have a product that is 100% natural and Right now they are almost there. 98% of their ingredients are all natural and the other 2% are just to add a little smell & to preserve the product. Thats pretty darn good! And not only is the product itself natural but in almost all of their packaging they are either 50% or 100% made of recycled products. How eco friendly is that!
Here is what I ordered for my first order. I did a pick 4 so i could choose what i wanted. As soon as they arrive i will fill you in on how i like them and what i will be ordering next!
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